Folio Art Glass
273 Hwy 34
Colts Neck NJ 07722
[email protected]
For our Store hours please check out our Facebook page! Or give us a call! They change from time
to time and FB is the best place to check. Calling also works, Thanks!

Do not use GPS it will not get you here! If you want to use GPS
then use the address for Delicious Orchards which is right north of us about 1/4 of a
mile. We are exit 19A off of Rt 18 going North towards Matawan. As soon as you get of
18 you will see a BP Gas station on your right. Slow down are right next to the gas station
our sign by our driveway says Pleasant Valley Enter. We are across the street from Green
Meadows restaurant and The Chase Bank. Please call us with any questions!
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